Snarky Christmas Tag **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Fun and GamesSide Reindeer VariationsChristmas LightsHolly Branch
Snow Girl and Tinsel Cheer **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Tinsel CheerCottageSnow Girl
Snow Globe Scene **The stamps below are used on the card; just give them a click!Merry Christmas SimpleCottage TreesSanta's Sleigh Sm.Bowl / Globe & Cork
Snowladies Sliding **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Friends are FlakesSnowlady SlidingSnowlady Neiva
Snowman Warmth **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!SnowmanWreath With BerriesSaying- Magic Of The Season
Snowman Wishing Joy and Happiness **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Snowman & BirdWishing Wonderful Year
Snowy Pinecones **The stamps below are used on the card; just give them a click!Pinecone Lg.Merry Christmas Brush
Spirit of Christmas and Candle **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Holly and CandleSpirit of Christmas
Stockings On A Mini Slimline Card **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Christmas Stockings VariationsHoliday Greetings Harry
Stockings Were Hung From Card **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!STAMP NAMEChristmas Stockings Were Hung Saying
Stuart Blowing Snowflakes **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Reindeer StuartBlowing SnowflakesWinter Lovers
Tinsel In Tangle With Christmas Coffee Card **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them! TinselCoffee Cup Lg Holly Branch
Tis The Season Trees Card **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!STAMP NAME'tis the season
Two Christmas Tags **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Santa Giving GiftsMerry Christmas Calligraphy The stamps for the second tag: UndecidedSave Santa TripRockin Santa- Just used Santa's head
Ugly Sweater **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Sweater Set of 3Santa's Hat'tis the season
Waiting For Santa To Fill His Stocking **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Fireplace With StockingsBoy In PajamasMagic And Bright
Warm Friendship Card **The stamps below are used on the card; just click them!Snowman JoyChill of WinterSnowflake Trio
Warm Winter Wishes Penguin **The stamps below are used on the card; just give them a click!Warm Winter WishesPenguin With HatIgloo
Weird Relatives At Christmas **The stamps below are used on the card; just give them a click!Snowflaes LargeSnowflakes Sm. and Med. Set of 2Psycho Hyena Critter